Today's Architects/Nathan Degryse

Nathan Degryse

Mainframe Database Administrator at Belfius

Supporting the backbone of the global economy

Nathan Degryse - Mainframe Database Administrator at Belfius

The main reason I chose to work in mainframes is that you get to work with a machine that is the backbone of the modern-day economy. The thing that inspires me most about the mainframe, is the raw, sheer amount of transactions, the amount of data that it processes every day, every hour, every second.”

About Nathan

On any given day, Nathan Degryse, a Database Administrator (DBA) at Belfius Bank and Insurance in Belgium, might be handling requests from various teams within his organization, addressing database issues as they arise, making sure that the mainframe data is accurately replicated across the company’s various databases, or bringing big data together with predictive analytics for optimized decision-making. This versatility of his role is what Nathan enjoys the most.

Being a mainframe DBA at Belfius Bank and Insurance is a big responsibility because the mainframe is not only at the heart of their most critical business operations, but also the source for the data that runs their business. Nathan and his teammates are responsible for the reliability, consistency, and accuracy of the data as it comes into the business. Everything that happens at Belfius, from loan payments to the closure of an insurance policy, passes through their IBM Z® mainframe system.

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Journey to mainframe

For Nathan, interest in mainframes started early at his university, where he was introduced to the IBM Z platform through an elective course at University College Ghent (HOGENT) in Belgium. His enthusiasm for learning more about mainframe technology led him to enroll in the school’s mainframe curriculum, which opened up an internship at Belfius Bank and Insurance and eventually led to a job offer before Nathan had even officially graduated from his university.

While at HOGENT, Nathan had the opportunity to be an IBM Z Student Ambassador, where he was able to interact with and inspire fellow students to explore mainframe careers as well as connect and network with the global members of the IBM Z and LinuxONE Community. This experience provided him with deeper insights into the rewarding and challenging career opportunities on the mainframe platform. “It introduced me into an amazing community,” he says, where he was inspired by the ever-present “level of passion and respect toward the IBM Z platform that the programmers and DBAs have.”

Advice for aspiring mainframers

Nathan believes that building up mainframe skills is a great way to get noticed by potential employers. He actively encourages anyone interested in mainframe computing to get acquainted with the IBM Z Xplore learning platform. “Through IBM Z Xplore, you can get badges that you can add to your LinkedIn profile,” he says. “If people in IT or recruiters see that you have those IBM badges on mainframe, they can be the gateway to a career in banking, finance, retail, airlines—companies that rely on the mainframe for their everyday operations.”

Finding an inspiring career is important to Nathan and he has found an ideal fit and fulfilling career pathway with mainframe computing. “The main reason I chose to work in mainframes is that you get to work with a machine that is the backbone of the modern-day economy. The thing that inspires me most about the mainframe,” he says, “is the raw, sheer amount of transactions, the amount of data that it processes every day, every hour, every second. Everything you buy, everything you do has something to do with mainframes, even if you don’t think about it. And, for me, that’s very inspiring.”

For those who are interested in a career in mainframes, Nathan offers some final insights and encouragement. “Technologies and hypes come and go, but if you have a chance to explore mainframes, you’ll be guaranteed an interesting job for the rest of your career. I owe the current life I have to my initial interest in the mainframe platform.”

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