
This is our IBM Z community - the leaders, dreamers, and innovators fearlessly designing the digital future without boundaries

Meet our architects

Today's Architects are harnessing groundbreaking IBM Z® technology to reach new heights and design tech blueprints that defy limits and innovate for the future.

Today's Architects

Bello Fils Bertrand - CENADI Linux Engineer - IBM Z certified expert
Linux Engineer CENADI

Modernizing Cameroon’s tech architecture

Laticia Carrow - DDC-ITS Capacity Management Analyst - IBM Z expert
Capacity Management Analyst DDC-ITS

Transforming her career from hair stylist to breakthrough mainframe technology

Karolina Decker - finmarie CEO and co-founder
CEO & co-founder finmarie

Empowering women to achieve financial freedom

Ipek Dedeköy - Rabobank System Engineer - IBM Z enthusiast
System Engineer Rabobank

Innovating in the banking industry with IBM Z

Nathan Degryse - Belfius Mainframe Database Administrator
Mainframe Database Administrator Belfius

Supporting the backbone of the global economy

Justin Farr-Jones - Cyber Invoice CEO & Founder
CEO/Founder Cyber Invoice

Building credibility in the fintech world

Paolo Enrique Garcia Ramos - Interbank Mainframe Chief
Mainframe Chief Interbank

Bringing technology visions to life with mainframes

Martin Gorgazzi - HSBC Senior Mainframe Administrator
Senior Mainframe Administrator HSBC

Innovating on a future-proof platform

Görkem Gülmez - System Engineer at Garanti BBVA Teknoloji
System Engineer Garanti BBVA Teknoloji

Ensuring that the heart of banking operations doesn’t miss a beat

Sugam Kafle - Mainframe Analyst at a Leading Financial Institution
Mainframe Analyst at a Leading Financial Institution

Starting a lifelong journey of learning on IBM Z

Rica Klitzke - finmarie CMO and co-founder
CMO & Co-founder finmarie

Helping women build confidence and wealth

Philipp Kremling - DATEV eG Software Engineer
Software Engineer DATEV eG

Helping developers build the apps of tomorrow

Sarah Julia Kriesch - Accenture Lead IT Engineer - IBM Z expert
Lead IT Engineer Accenture

Consulting, collaborating, and inspiring the global open-source community

Abbey Lowdermilk - Associate Engineer IS Development Operations
IS Development Operations Associate Engineer

Reskilling from the food services industry to a mainframe career

Rituraj Mahato - IBM Z Champion
IBM Z Champion

Pursuing his passion of breaking boundaries with IBM Z

Syra Marshall - Elemendar CTO & Co-founder
CTO & Co-founder Elemendar

Innovating AI for Cyber Threat Intelligence

Leitha Matz - finmarie CPO and co-founder
CPO & Co-founder finmarie

Enabling women to gain economic independence

Torrie McLaughlin - Mainframe Systems Engineer at ATPCO
Mainframe Systems Engineer ATPCO

Soaring in a mainframe career full of opportunity and options

Michelle Melcher - Enterprise Technology Services Developer II at Navy Federal Credit Union
Enterprise Technology Services Developer II Navy Federal Credit Union

Embarking on a lifetime of learning

Ben Provenzano - M&T Bank Senior Application Developer
Senior Application Developer M&T Bank

Embarking on a journey from mainframe learner to mentor

Sidarth Radjou - CEO at Okomera - IBM Z enthusiast
CEO Okomera

Revolutionizing vital cancer treatment with AI and data, built on a foundation of trust

Giordano Sannino - Junior System Programmer at a Large Information Technology Company - IBM Z enthusiast
Junior System Programmer Large IT Company

Finding inspiration from the passion and support of global mainframe communities

Emma Skovgård - Systems Programmer Trainee at Topdanmark
Systems Programmer Trainee Topdanmark

Advocating for IBM Z sustainability to drive positive impact

Kiruthika Subramani - IBM Z Student Ambassador Captain
IBM Z Student Ambassador Captain

Studying AI and inspired by the formidable power and lightning speed of IBM Z

Ryan Young - Opollo Technologies CEO & Founder - IBM Z enthusiast
Founder & CEO Opollo Technologies

Reimagining healthcare security and efficiency

Bello Fils Bertrand - CENADI Linux Engineer - IBM Z certified expert
Bello Fils Bertrand Linux Engineer CENADI

Modernizing Cameroon’s tech architecture

Laticia Carrow - DDC-ITS Capacity Management Analyst - IBM Z expert
Laticia Carrow Capacity Management Analyst DDC-ITS

Transforming her career from hair stylist to breakthrough mainframe technology

Karolina Decker - finmarie CEO and co-founder
Karolina Decker CEO & co-founder finmarie

Empowering women to achieve financial freedom

Ipek Dedeköy - Rabobank System Engineer - IBM Z enthusiast
Ipek Dedeköy System Engineer Rabobank

Innovating in the banking industry with IBM Z

Nathan Degryse - Belfius Mainframe Database Administrator
Nathan Degryse Mainframe Database Administrator Belfius

Supporting the backbone of the global economy

Justin Farr-Jones - Cyber Invoice CEO & Founder
Justin Farr-Jones CEO/Founder Cyber Invoice

Building credibility in the fintech world

Paolo Enrique Garcia Ramos - Interbank Mainframe Chief
Paolo Enrique Garcia Ramos Mainframe Chief Interbank

Bringing technology visions to life with mainframes

Martin Gorgazzi - HSBC Senior Mainframe Administrator
Martin Gorgazzi Senior Mainframe Administrator HSBC

Innovating on a future-proof platform

Görkem Gülmez - System Engineer at Garanti BBVA Teknoloji
Görkem Gülmez System Engineer Garanti BBVA Teknoloji

Ensuring that the heart of banking operations doesn’t miss a beat

Sugam Kafle - Mainframe Analyst at a Leading Financial Institution
Sugam Kafle Mainframe Analyst at a Leading Financial Institution

Starting a lifelong journey of learning on IBM Z

Rica Klitzke - finmarie CMO and co-founder
Rica Klitzke CMO & Co-founder finmarie

Helping women build confidence and wealth

Philipp Kremling - DATEV eG Software Engineer
Philipp Kremling Software Engineer DATEV eG

Helping developers build the apps of tomorrow

Sarah Julia Kriesch - Accenture Lead IT Engineer - IBM Z expert
Sarah Julia Kriesch Lead IT Engineer Accenture

Consulting, collaborating, and inspiring the global open-source community

Abbey Lowdermilk - Associate Engineer IS Development Operations
Abbey Lowdermilk IS Development Operations Associate Engineer

Reskilling from the food services industry to a mainframe career

Rituraj Mahato - IBM Z Champion
Rituraj Mahato IBM Z Champion

Pursuing his passion of breaking boundaries with IBM Z

Syra Marshall - Elemendar CTO & Co-founder
Syra Marshall CTO & Co-founder Elemendar

Innovating AI for Cyber Threat Intelligence

Leitha Matz - finmarie CPO and co-founder
Leitha Matz CPO & Co-founder finmarie

Enabling women to gain economic independence

Torrie McLaughlin - Mainframe Systems Engineer at ATPCO
Torrie McLaughlin Mainframe Systems Engineer ATPCO

Soaring in a mainframe career full of opportunity and options

Michelle Melcher - Enterprise Technology Services Developer II at Navy Federal Credit Union
Michelle Melcher Enterprise Technology Services Developer II Navy Federal Credit Union

Embarking on a lifetime of learning

Ben Provenzano - M&T Bank Senior Application Developer
Ben Provenzano Senior Application Developer M&T Bank

Embarking on a journey from mainframe learner to mentor

Sidarth Radjou - CEO at Okomera - IBM Z enthusiast
Sidarth Radjou CEO at Okomera

Revolutionizing vital cancer treatment with AI and data, built on a foundation of trust

Giordano Sannino - Junior System Programmer at a Large Information Technology Company - IBM Z enthusiast
Giordano Sannino Junior System Programmer at a Large Information Technology Company

Finding inspiration from the passion and support of global mainframe communities

Emma Skovgård - Systems Programmer Trainee at Topdanmark
Emma Skovgård Systems Programmer Trainee Topdanmark

Advocating for IBM Z sustainability to drive positive impact

Kiruthika Subramani - IBM Z Student Ambassador Captain
Kiruthika Subramani IBM Z Student Ambassador Captain

Studying AI and inspired by the formidable power and lightning speed of IBM Z

Ryan Young - Opollo Technologies CEO & Founder - IBM Z enthusiast
Ryan Young Founder & CEO Opollo Technologies

Reimagining healthcare security and efficiency

World Map
United States Sidarth Radjou
CEO at Okomera
Revolutionizing vital cancer treatment with AI and data, built on a foundation of trust
United States Abbey Lowdermilk
IS Development Operations Associate Engineer
Reskilling from the food services industry to a mainframe career
United States Sugam Kafle
Mainframe Analyst at a Leading Financial Institution
Starting a lifelong journey of learning on IBM Z
United States Michelle Melcher
Enterprise Technology Services Developer II at Navy Federal Credit Union
Embarking on a lifetime of learning
United States Ryan Young
Founder & CEO at Opollo Technologies
Reimagining healthcare security and efficiency
United States Ben Provenzano
Senior Application Developer at M&T Bank
Embarking on a journey from mainframe learner to mentor
United States Laticia Carrow
Capacity Management Analyst at DDC-ITS
Transforming her career from hair stylist to breakthrough mainframe technology
United States Torrie McLaughlin
Mainframe Systems Engineer at ATPCO
Soaring in a mainframe career full of opportunity and options
Peru Paolo Enrique Garcia Ramos
Mainframe Chief at Interbank
Bringing technology visions to life with mainframes
Argentina Martin Gorgazzi
Senior Mainframe Administrator at HSBC
Innovating on a future-proof platform
United Kingdom Syra Marshall
CTO & Co-founder at Elemendar
Innovating AI for Cyber Threat Intelligence
England Justin Farr-Jones
CEO/Founder at Cyber Invoice
Building credibility in the fintech world
Belgium Nathan Degryse
Mainframe Database Administrator at Belfius
Supporting the backbone of the global economy
Netherlands Ipek Dedeköy
System Engineer at Rabobank
Innovating in the banking industry with IBM Z
Denmark Emma Skovgård
Systems Programmer Trainee at Topdanmark
Advocating for IBM Z sustainability to drive positive impact
Italy Giordano Sannino
Junior System Programmer at a Large IT Company
Finding inspiration from the passion and support of global mainframe communities
Germany Sarah Julia Kriesch
Lead IT Engineer at Accenture
Consulting, collaborating and inspiring the global open source community
Germany Philipp Kremling
Software Engineer at DATEV eG
Helping developers build the apps of tomorrow
Germany Karolina Decker
CEO & Co-founder at finmarie
Empowering women to achieve financial freedom
Germany Rica Klitzke
CMO & Co-founder at finmarie
Helping women build confidence and wealth
Germany Leitha Matz
CPO & Co-founder at finmarie
Enabling women to gain economic independence
Turkey Görkem Gülmez
System Engineer at Garanti BBVA Teknoloji
Ensuring that the heart of banking operations doesn’t miss a beat
Cameroon Bello Fils Bertrand
Linux Engineer at CENADI
Modernizing Cameroon’s tech architecture
India Kiruthika Subramani
IBM Z Student Ambassador Captain
Studying AI and inspired by the formidable power and lightning speed of IBM Z
India Rituraj Mahato
IBM Z Champion
Pursuing his passion of breaking boundaries with IBM Z
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